Do Video Distribution Systems Slow Down My Network?

If you’ve considered installing a new video distribution system or upgrading your current system to provide large-scale HDTV distribution throughout your operation, the fear of an unwanted network slowdown or possible crash may have caused you to hesitate. You might employ the logic that adding one more piece of technology to an already overtaxed network will only make matters worse. But is this really the case?

The Right Type of Distribution System Can Make an Important Difference

Over the past decade or so, some organizations have been turning to IPTV for their HDTV distribution needs. By making use of the Internet protocol suite, IPTV is capable of delivering live television and video on demand services over a packet-switched network. Users get the benefit of increased content and the ability to integrate popular IP-based services such as high-speed Internet and VoIP.

On the downside, an IP system consumes an enormous amount of bandwidth capacity. When IPTV must compete with multiple devices and technologies for limited bandwidth space, the result can be a slow, unresponsive network or even network freezes or crashes.

For this reason, a RF video system can offer a more palatable alternative to bandwidth-starved networks. A Z-Band RF system relies on category cable instead of traditional coax for signal transmission. One CAT 6 UTP (unshielded twisted pair) cable includes four pairs of wires, one of which is capable of transmitted the entire RF video bandwidth, providing access to up to 268 HD channels.

What’s truly remarkable about the RF distribution system is that it can accomplish this without consuming any network bandwidth whatsoever. Consequently, users experience no additional network slowdowns, freezes or crashes when employing an RF video distribution system.

When Does an IP-based System Make Sense?

Generally, an IPTV system works best when used with a smaller number of viewing devices that consume less bandwidth. Adding a parallel network for video distribution only can also resolve the dilemma. Another option is to install a system that can effectively combine the two technologies.

Merging IP and RF

The Z-Band RF video distribution system provides the opportunity to combine RF and IP technologies while using only one structured CAT cable. The result is a seamless convergence of video, and data, again without the need to consume any network bandwidth for the video. This is an excellent alternative for organizations that want the channel flexibility and additional features IPTV can offer.

If you have additional questions about a video distribution system’s possible impact on network speed or functionality, or want to learn more about whether an RF system is right for your organization, contact the RF video distribution experts at Z-Band.


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What Does a RF Video Distribution System Do?